We're a small business located in Bedford VA. We make all the woodenware and bees locally that we sell.


Complete Hive

$220 plus tax
Includes assembled painted bottom board, entrance reducer, 3 assembled painted 10 frame mediums with assembled frames, assembled inner cover, and assembled painted telescoping outer cover.
Does not include bees.
Compare to Dadant's 4 medium complete hive for $321.95.

Hive parts

Medium box with frames, assembled and painted

$50 plus tax
Assembled and painted with assembled frames. Frames are wedge top bar and include locally made flat wax foundation.
Compare to Dadan't 10-Frame Medium Super for $64.95.

Telescoping Cover, painted

$35 plus tax
Compare to Dadant's 10-Frame Telescoping Metal Outer Cover for $38.95.

Inner Cover

$15 plus tax
Compare to Dadant's 10-Frame Inner Cover for $20.95.

Metal Telescoping Cover and Inner Cover

$50 plus tax
Compare to Mann Lake's 10-Frame Outer+Inner Cover for $53.95.

Solid Bottom Board with Entrance Reducer, painted

$30 plus tax
Compare to Dadant's 10-Frame Bottom Board for $31.95.

We also sell nucleus colonies and honey.